Dry Fruıts & Nuts

Introducıng factorıes from Afrıca, Latin America, Egypt and Europe.

About Us

RM GOLDEN 2020 LTD's core specialities are business development consulting including factory establishment (starting with machinery designing through product line adjustments), creating successful products label, supply and marketing chain all over Europe, guiding through highest kosher regulations and premium dried fruits and nuts trading.

Throughout the years, the company has gain a great deal of experience and knowledge with handling high budget comprehensive projects all over the world with launching new factories, consulting and designing process lines and machinery according to the client requirements side by side with finding the best technical solutions in order to achieve the highest results and product quality.

The company has also consulted both young and senior companies and supply business development services along with close assistance during the first steps of the business.

The company has a great market requirement understanding and abilities making your new products successful, along with close personal contacts at the main retail business all over Europe, which are priceless.

The most valuable field to new companies wishing to introduce their new products to the Jewish community both in Israel and abroad is the kosher certificate. This may create a massive obstacle and cause many companies avoid entering this vast niche market. Our company has a lot of experience in this area and can simplify the process of receiving the highest kosher acknowledgment and certificate in the market.

Another premium unique specialty is dried fruits and nuts trading. The company has over 40 years of experience in international trading, bringing you the highest quality dried fruits and nuts from the best suppliers in Europe, by the highest quality control certificates, and with taste and look that cannot be comparable to anything else you have tasted before.

Who we are

We export nuts and dried fruits from different parts of the world hand-picked specifically for their reputation of the quality of their products. Our nuts and dried fruits have the highest possible nutritional value, they are rich in antioxidants and finally yet importantly - they are incredibly tasty! Moreover, we have our own harvest of dry fruits and nuts in Israel, Egypt, Costa Rica, Ghana and Turkey with decades of history.

Our mission

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of delicious dried fruits and irresistible nuts. In accordance with statistics, the consumption of dried fruits and nuts increases every year worldwide since people tend to make healthier choices due to the rise in health-conscious choices and a shift to healthier food habits.

Nuts and dried fruits, as well as their derivatives (nutty and/or fruity bars) seem to be the most convenient and healthy choice at school and work, for travellers or sportsmen and anyone concerned about their wellbeing.

In accordance with the major industry analysts, the global market for dried fruits and nuts is projected to reach 3,9 and 67,8 million tons respectively by 2024, driven by the growing awareness over the nutrient contribution of nuts and fruits on diet quality.

We are proud of our contribution in a noble mission of supplying the planet with the best

What we do

Starting from the farm, we do our best to ensure the quality of products we offer. We adopted sophisticated ways of safeguarding the storage and the packaging of our products, and provide fast delivery so that you get them as fresh as possible. Moreover, we are truly committed in the best cooperation with our clients both before and after sales. We ensure steady supply and constant advice when needed.

Our dried fruits and nuts are widely used in the snacks industry as well as in packing and roasting house. With decades-long presence in the market, we have established a network of partners and associates we supply with the high quality of fresh ingredients coming from organic and conventional agriculture.

Why one should consider including nuts and dried fruits in their daily diet?

Nuts are the best and the healthiest source of fat, fibre and protein. Dried fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals of vital importance for the human body. Numerous studies have proved the health benefits of increased nut and dried fruits intake.

There is only one minor aspect - it is so difficult to stop eating after having a few!

Our Products


Belt Roasting


Batch Roasting


Nuts Packaging


Nuts Coating








No Sugar Dried Mango, Coconut, Pineapple

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